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Slow travelling is a conscious form of travelling. The unspoilt paths form the compass of the adventure. We have summarised the advantages and disadvantages of this form of travel for you. While travelling you can entertain yourself with either


Slow travelling is the conscious and slow way of travelling. The term originated from the book ‘Slow Travel – The Art of Travelling’ by Dan Kieran. Instead of a long to-do list with numerous sights, the focus here is on conscious holiday impressions and experiences.

The aim is to really understand the culture and people of a country, away from the tourist hotspots. A change of perspective is particularly important to Kieran. Travellers should perceive their impressions from a different angle.

Slow travelling does not usually take place in overcrowded cities, but in remote locations. It also works in more traditional holiday destinations, but then in the low season. In principle, the adventure of ‘travelling’ should begin in the unknown and lead to paths that are not mentioned in any travel guide.


Slow travelling is also about alternative accommodation. Slow travelling follows the motto: ‘The journey is the reward’. This means that means of transport such as bus, train and bicycle are particularly important. Some holidaymakers even make a pilgrimage to their holiday destination in order to consciously experience the journey there with all their senses. The choice of transport makes slow travelling a sustainable form of travel. As a rule, travellers avoid the plane because it prevents them from consciously travelling to their destination.

Some tourists also consciously look for sustainable accommodation, for example in remote farms, small mountain huts or green hotels. However, how sustainable this form of travel is ultimately depends on each individual traveller. There are no fixed forms of slow travelling in this sense. Just as there are no rules. But you could probably say that a pilgrimage or hiking trip undertaken exclusively on foot can be regarded as the highest form of slow travelling.

Advantages and disadvantages of slow travelling

Slow travelling can also be seen as a form of self-discovery. Slow travelling shows tourists the essentials of a trip: adventure, openness to new things and relaxation. Slow travelling has many positive aspects:

  • If you avoid air travel and travel by bus, train, bike or on foot, you are travelling more sustainably. Alternative accommodation is also less harmful than the large hotel complexes of traditional tourism.
  • You consciously gather impressions of the respective holiday destination, the culture and its people.
  • You may also be able to enjoy a cheaper form of holiday if you are looking for accommodation in more remote areas.
  • A trip like this can provide a kind of deceleration as a contrast to stressful everyday life. Mobile phones and cameras should be put to one side during this time. And a travel guide that quickly pressurises tourists with the most important sights is also out of place here.
  • Slow travelling is also a process of self-discovery. While the mind often just follows the routine in everyday life, it can process completely new impressions during such an adventure.


Plastic bottles cause a lot of rubbish. You can easily avoid this – with a drinking bottle in your luggage.

A glass bottle with a snap-on cap is ideal. However, such bottles are very heavy. That’s why plastic bottles are particularly popular among travellers. Stainless steel bottles are a good compromise and are particularly robust.

You can find the best models made of glass, plastic and stainless steel in our best water bottle list.

You can simply fill up your water bottle with tap water when you get to your destination. In Europe at least, you can safely drink tap water in many places.

However, at some destinations, tap water or water from nature is heavily contaminated with bacteria, chemicals, hormones or even viruses. In this case, a good water filter is recommended.

The water filter should depend on the type of contamination. For example, there are many filters that filter bacteria but not viruses. It is best to seek advice from a specialist shop.