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Register Yourself with www educationbihar gov In Tola Sevak

www educationbihar gov In Tola Sevak

If you are a youth who belongs to Bihar then you have a better opportunity to apply for the Tola Sevak government job. Tola Sevak is a government-appointed position in the primary in the state of Bihar, India. At the same time, this role is part of the Bihar government initiative to enhance educational outreach and support in rural areas. Youth of Bihar can easily register themself at www educationbihar gov in Tola sevak for a better future for their families.  In this blog, we will let you know more about the  Tola Sevak examination and what Tola Sevak’s responsibilities are.  

How to Register For Tola Sevak Position 

Registering for the Tola Sevak position involves a series of steps, which generally include meeting the eligibility criteria, verifying documents, filling out the application form, and many more. Here are perfect guide on how to register for the Tola Sevak position in just a few clicks 

  • Check Eligibility Criteria –  while applying for the position you have the certification of a high school diploma like a 12th pass or more with an age limit between 18 to 35 years.  This position is only for the residents of Bihar, so you must have the verified documents to prove that you belong to Bihar.  
  • Stay Informed About Job Announcements –  Regularly check up on the official website of the Bihar government or the relevant department for job verification and a better way to look out or stay updated with the newspaper, notice boards in the government offices, and many more. 
  • Gather Required Documents –  Before registering yourself for the Tola Sevak position maintain all your required documents like birth certificate, Adhar card, passport-size photographs, and many more.  
  • Obtain the application form –  If the application form is available online then you can visit the official website www educationbihar gov in Tola sevak to download the application while on the other, you can also visit any government office like the block development office for the application form.  
  • Fill out the Application form – Fill out the application form with accurate information as per the documents like educational details, experience,  name, address, contact number, and many more.  
  • Submit The Application form –   On the off chance that the application handle is online, transfer the filtered duplicates of your reports and yield the shape as educating, while on the other hand If the application is submitted offline, take the filled-out frame and duplicates of your reports to the assigned accommodation center, such as the Piece Advancement Office. 

Responsibilities Of Tola Sevak’s Position 

The role of the Tola Sevak position is crucial for the educational development of rural and marginalized communities, so as Tola Sevak position was tasked with many responsibilities aimed at improving literacy rates and ensuring that children get proper education without any loopholes.  Now let’s look at the responsibilities of Tola Sevak’s Position 

  • Instructive Back – Help essential school instructors by making a difference in understudies with their considerations, centering especially on those who may require additional bolster. Conduct supplementary or therapeutic classes for understudies who are slacking behind to assist them in keeping up with the educational modules. Give offer assistance with homework and assignments to guarantee that understudies get it and complete their work.
  • Enrollment and Participation – Work to extend school enrollment rates by empowering guardians to select their children in school.Screen understudy participation and follow up with guardians of children who are habitually truant to get it and address the reasons for their non-appearance.
  • Community Engagement – Lock in with the community to raise mindfulness approximately the significance of instruction, especially among guardians and gatekeepers. Distinguish and work to evacuate obstructions to instruction, such as financial challenges, social hones, or calculated challenges. Empower parental association in their children’s instruction by organizing gatherings and workshops.
  • Information Collection and Announcing – Collect and keep up information on understudy enrollment, participation, and execution. Report the collected information to higher specialists, such as school directors and government instruction authorities, to assist them in getting the educational needs and advance within the community.
  • Bolster School Organization – Help with organizing and conducting school exercises, occasions, and programs aimed at improving instructive involvement.

Major Benefits To Become Tola Sevak 

Becoming the Tola sevak can come with several benefits both personal and professional. These benefits can include the contribution to community development, getting much knowledge about the area, and many more.  Now let’s watch the several benefits of becoming Tola Sevak 

  • Contribute to community development –  Tola Sevak plays a vital role in improving the literacy rates in rural areas by increasing the number of schools and colleges, they empower communities through education leading to overall social and economic development.  
  • Job security and benefits –  Being a government-appointed position, Tola Sevaks appreciates work security and steadiness. They get a settled month-to-month stipend or honorarium, giving monetary steadiness. Depending on the state arrangements, they might get extra benefits such as well-being protections, annuity plans, and other government representative advantages. 
  • Personal and Professional Growth –  this role helps in developing both skills personal and professional like teaching, communication, community engagement, and many more.  Tola Sevak often has access to training programs that nourish their skills more, while also opening the future opportunity to go to a higher post.  
  • Network Opportunities –  Tola Sevak’s job helps in building a good relationship with the other government employees, community leaders, and experienced teachers, while they will help in every activity that would be taken as per the concern of the government.  
  • Flexible work environment –  Mainly Tola Sevak are often posted in their village or near the village to reduce the long communities and it will be easy for them to understand the people of the village about education.  


Tola Sevak is counted as one of the best government jobs for the youth of Bihar who are interested in the education field or want to do something for their community because many villages in Bihar don’t have stable schools or colleges where students can get a proper education. So that’s why Toal sevak has a vital role in the education field to make the children’s future bright by increasing the number of schools in the village and the youth who want to apply for the Tola sevak can easily visit the www educationbihar gov in Tola sevak website for the application form. 


Q –  What is the starting salary of Tola Sevak? 

A –  The starting salary of Tola Sevak is around INR 22,000 before it was INR 11,000 only. 

Q –  What is the actual age to apply for the Tola Sevak position? 

A –  The actual age to apply for the tola sevak position is 18 to 35 years.

Q –  Is the application only available in offline mode? 

A –  No! The Tola Sevak application is available in both online and offline mode.

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