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Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana: Girls with Financial Security and Education Support

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) is among the government schemes that aim to empower female children economically by providing them with a savings scheme that they can operate after attaining the age of majority. Launched in 2015 under the ‘Beti Bachao’ campaign, this will, in an ideal manner, target the parents to save money for the education and marriage of their daughters. Amongst other small savings schemes, this scheme has one of the highest interest rates and income tax exemptions under Section 80C.

The scheme is set up for girls below ten years old and remains valid for twenty-one years or until the girl gets married after she has turned eighteen.

Aims of the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

The main objectives of this conservancy program are:

  1. Financial Empowerment Of The Girl Child: Establish a long-term savings fund dedicated to education and marriage expenses.
  1. Encouraging Higher Education for Girls: The scheme seeks to lighten financial constraints on parents thereby enhancing access to education by girls.
  1. Promoting Gender Equality: The Scheme was launched under the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao campaign, which functions towards improving the status of girls in our society.
  1. Providing Tax Benefits: Parents who invest in this amount avail of tax deductions to enhance individual participation as well as collective participation within a wave of people towards achieving greater goals when they deposit money in an SSY account.
Financial Empowerment of GirlsCreating a savings fund for education and marriage
Encourage Higher EducationSupports parents in meeting the costs of girls’ education
Promote Gender EqualityPart of the larger Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao initiative
Tax BenefitsInvestments are eligible for tax deductions

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Eligibility Conditions

Certain eligibility criteria should be also fulfilled to open an account under this SSY:

  1. Age restriction: The only benefit of the scheme is for those girls who are less than 10 years old.
  2. Place of Residence: The girl child must reside in India. Non-resident Indians are not eligible to avail of it.
  3. Limit on number of accounts: Such girl children can only have one account, and two accounts can be opened at the most by a family. This limit may be relaxed if there are twins or triplets involved.
Age LimitBelow 10 years
Resident StatusMust be an Indian resident
Account LimitOne account per girl; maximum two per family (with exceptions)

Key Features of Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

A minimum of ₹250 is required as a deposit every fiscal year, while ₹1.5 lakh acts as the upper limit.

  1. Interest Rate: The government changes SSY interest rates quarterly and it is usually more than other small savings plans. In 2023, its approximate interest rates are around 8.0% p.a.
  2. Tenure: An account matures upon 21 years elapsing from the date it was opened or when she gets married at the age of eighteen years old.
  3. Partial Withdrawal: After the girl child attains eighteen years, partial withdrawals (up to 50% of the available balance) will be permitted for her higher education.
  4. Tax Benefits: Investments made in SSY are entailed for tax deductions by Section 80C within the Income Tax Act while interest accrued remains free from taxation.

SSY Account Opening: Procedure along with Paperwork

The process of opening an SSY account is easy and can be completed in government-authorized banks or post offices throughout India. The steps to opening the account are as follows:

  1. Visiting Bank or Post Office: Any government-authorized public or private bank or post office can be visited.
  2. Filling the Application Form: Obtain and fill out the SSY account opening form.
  3. Submitting Required Documents: The following documents are required:
  4. Birth certificate of the girl child,
  5. Parent/guardian’s identity proof (Aadhaar, PAN, etc.),
  6. Parent/guardian’s address proof (utility bills, Aadhaar etc.)
  7. Making the Initial Deposit: A minimum deposit of ₹250 is required to open the account.
  8. Account Activation: On submission of the application along with deposit money, your SSY account will get activated and you shall receive a passbook in return for it.
Document TypeRequired Documents
Proof of Girl Child’s AgeBirth certificate
Identity Proof of Parent/GuardianAadhaar, PAN, or Voter ID
Address Proof of Parent/GuardianUtility bills, Aadhaar, or Passport
Initial DepositMinimum ₹250 to open the account

Rate of Interest and Its Calculation

One of the most noticeable advantages of the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Calculator is that it has a very attractive rate of interest. As of 2023, this interest rate stands at approximately 8.0%, making it one of the highest among small savings schemes rates. Interest is compounded annually and determined by the balance left in the account at the end of every month.

For instance, if you deposited₹1 lakh at the beginning of any financial year, you would receive₹8,000 as interest for that year (on an 8% as per interest).

YearInterest Rate (%)

Maturity and Withdrawal Conditions

The Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Calculator account reaches maturity after 21 years starting from the day it was opened. However, the following are some of the instances when one can take their money out:

  1. Partial Withdrawal for Education: Up to 50 percent of the balance can be withdrawn by a girl for higher education when she turns 18 years old and may use this money to pay her college fees.
  2. Full Withdrawal on Maturity: full withdrawal of [(Principal + Interest) at any time after 21 years or after the marriage of a girl child (after 18 years)] is allowed.
  3. Premature Closure: In certain circumstances such as the demise of an account holder or extreme financial hardship, early termination may be permitted under special circumstances.

Tax Benefits Under Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

The Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Calculator is subsidized with good tax benefits that can alleviate parents’ financial hardships:

  1. Section 80C Deductions: section 80C allows contributions made to SSY of ₹1.5 lakh maximum amount which can get deducted from Income Tax.
  2. Tax-Free Interest: Interest earned on an SSY account comes free from tax altogether leading to the more rapid saving growth rate
  3. Maturity Amount: The last maturity amount is inclusive of all interest earned and gets absolute exemption from taxes which means it is an Exempt-Exempt-Exempt (EEE) scheme.

Advantages of Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

  1. High-Rate of Interest: One of the highest interest rates for smaller saving schemes.
  2. Return Guarantees: Because the SSY is backed by the government, it is a safe investment that comes with guaranteed returns.
  3. No Taxation: It offers a triple tax benefit which includes contribution, interest, and maturity amount.
  4. Financial Security is Promoted: This provides long-term financial security for girl’s education and marriage respectively.
  5. Savings Habits are Encouraged: This scheme helps parents cultivate a disciplined approach to saving money.


Parents wishing to secure their daughter’s financial future should consider Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana as an exceptional investment alternative. SSY stands out as one of the finest savings schemes meant for girl children thanks to its appealing interest rate, tax benefits as well as government guarantees. It plays a pivotal role in empowering the girl child and her ambitions through supporting education, financial independence as well as long-term planning.

Read More About: Bihar Samajik Suraksha Yojana 2024: District Patna, Bihar

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