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State Child Protection Society (SCPS) in Bihar: Strengthening Child Welfare

SCPS Bihar

Welfare and Protection of Children is a critical issue in Bihar as well as in other areas of the world. The important role the State Child Protection Society SCPS Bihar plays in protecting children from various forms of abuse, mishandling, and neglect can’t be ignored. Thus, this blog examines the complete discussion on SCPS in Bihar, emphasizing efforts towards creating a safer place for all children within the entire region. 

In today’s article, we will tell you all about Bihar SCPS Opening 2024. If you moreover need to know almost this enlistment, at that point today’s post is exceptionally valuable for you. So perused it till the end.

Understanding the State Child Security Society (SCPS) 

The State Child Protection Society (SCPS) is a vital part of the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) in India which aims to protect the rights and welfare of children. In Bihar, the SCPS functions under the Bihar Government’s Social Welfare Department.

The main objectives of the SCPS Bihar are:

  • Preventing and responding to child abuse: The goal of SCPS is to prevent child abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and many acts of violence against children, and to provide quick and accurate responses to particular cases. 
  • Rehabilitation and Reintegration: SCPS deals mostly with rehabilitating and integrating children who are victims of child abuse or neglect back to safe and supportive environments using foster family homes or institutional placements where compulsory. 
  • Awareness and Promotion: SCPS conducts mindfulness campaigns and backing programs to teach communities, guardians, and partners approximately child rights, security laws, and accessible back services.
Name of DepartmentSocial Welfare Department
Name of SocietyState Child Protection Committee (SCPS)
Name of PostVarious Post
Total Post87
Application Start Date11 March, 2024
Application Last Date10 March, 2024
Age Limit18- 45 Years (as of 01-04-2023)
Application ModeOnline

How to Apply Online for Bihar SCPS Opportunity 2024?

If you need to apply online for this Bihar SCPS Opening, at that point you can apply for this enlistment by taking the steps given below. 

  • Once you are on the homepage, you will find information as well as an application form for engaging a retired statistic assistant on contract under the Recent News section. You need to click on the link.
  • After clicking, the SCPS site will open in front of you, from which you will press on the alternative of Press Here for Unused Registration.
  • You will see the Enlistment Frame. In the Enlistment Frame, you will select the job you want to apply for, enter all the required data, and then tap on the Enroll button to be enlisted. 
  • After you are through enrolling, you have to sign in using the client ID as well as the password on the Login User Interface At this point, an application form related to this specific enrollment will appear before you. 
  • The information should be filled out entirely as per requirements.
  • After filling in all the data, you will transfer the checked duplicate of the asked document.
  • After that, you will get all the data carefully. Once all the data is obtained, the application will be effective by clicking on the Yield button.
  • Finally, you will take a printout of the application shape and keep it.
Name of PostNo. of Post
Program Manager, SARA1
Law-cum-Probation Officer4
Consultant, DCPU3
Data analyst04
Social Worker09
Probation Officer/Case Worker/Child Welfare Officer13
Consultancy (Home)11
Mercury medical staff18
Outreach worker11
Tota post87

Challenges Confronted by SCPS Bihar

Despite its significant part, SCPS Bihar faces a few challenges:

  • Resource Incentives: Financing constraints and resource restrictions pose challenges to the implementation of comprehensive child protection programs as well as expanding coverage of services. 
  • Capacity Building: The process of preparing staff and volunteers sufficiently in child protection laws, counseling, or rehabilitation techniques is ongoing. 
  • Community Engagement: To overcome social barriers, there is a need for consciousness about this issue while at the same time ensuring that all stakeholders stand behind all Child Protection Activities.

Impact and Future Directions

The aim of SCPS Bihar has had a noteworthy effect on child welfare in the state:

  • Child labor has been effectively reduced through focused actions and awareness creation programs that bind children from education to have something to contribute to their lives. 
  • Reporting on child mistreatment has become more elaborate with child helplines in place and other mechanisms to uphold child safety in the environment.
  • Policy Promotion: SCPS plays a significant part in pushing for child-friendly approaches and revisions to reinforce child assurance laws at the state level.
  • In the future, SCPS Bihar aims to enhance its reach, strengthening partnerships with friendly civil society groups and communities, and continuing to promote children’s rights and protection. By addressing existing problems as well as capitalizing on its successes, it is the cradle of something that ensures children in Bihar have a future that is safe with some light at the same time.


State Child Protection Services (SCPS) continues to be the reference point for vulnerable children in Bihar. State for protection from harm as well as care to create safe spaces that foster their development while allowing them to thrive without any fear of abuse or harm. Through collaborative endeavors and maintained commitment, SCPS proceeds to make noteworthy strides toward accomplishing its vision of a child-safe Bihar.


Q.1 What is the work of the State Child Security Society? 

Create and advance preventive measures to protect children from circumstances of helplessness, hazard, and mishandling through DCPS. Distinguishing proof of powerless children and asset mapping for appropriate execution of ICPS through DCPS.

Q.2 What is the fundamental rule of child protection?

The 6 key shielding standards are Strengthening Security, Anticipation, Proportionality, Associations, and Accountability.

Q3. What is the role of the child protection committee?

Each agency individually operates in the most optimal way to ensure the protection of kids.

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