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Samaj Kalyan Vibhag Vacancy: A Boon For Jobseekers

Samaj Kalyan Vibhag Vacancy

The Ministry of Social Welfare recently issued an important notification for the Samaj Kalyan Vibhag Vacancy. An excellent opportunity for candidates with a keen interest in Social Welfare who spent part of their childhood in a childhood institution. The online application process for the Samaj Kalyan Vibhag Vacancy has started and the last date for application will be 25 July 2024. The Candidates are advised to go through the Samaj Kalyan Vibhag Vacancy process, history test, educational eligibility, and other details properly through the notification.

The development of women and children is one of the most important tasks in society. Through Samaj Kalyan Vibhag Recruitment, community servants get the opportunity to apply for programs that may go on to achieve prosperity and equality for all community members. 

Samaj Kalyan Vibhag Vacancy Overview: 

Department nameSocial Welfare Department Recruitment
Education qualification required10th/12th/Any GraduateStatus: Passed
Application form feeFor general and OBC categories: Rs. 1000/- For scheduled cast candidates: Rs. 500/-
Age limit for the jobMinimum age 18 years Maximum age 37 years 
Examination modeWritten exam
Application modeOnline application

Vacancies and Eligibility Criteria:

The declared vacancies shall vary depending on the state and regional needs of the Samaj Kalyan Vibhag. Some of the regular vacancies advertised are mentioned below:

  1. Lower Division Clerk: Termed as the backbone in the administrative setup, this is an entry-level clerical post whereby the incumbent is required for duties such as record-keeping, data entry, and other supporting work to senior officials. The minimum qualification for LDC is normally a Class 10 pass.
  1. Anganwadi Worker: One of the nodal agencies working in collaboration with early childhood care and development programs is Anganwadi workers. Anganwadi workers manage the Anganwadis, which are centers that provide basic services like preschool education, nutrition, and healthcare for children below six years and pregnant and lactating mothers. An Anganwadi worker’s educational qualification would vary from state to state, but very often, it will be anything from a Class 8 pass or Middle School Examination pass to a Class 10 pass.
  1. Supervisor/Project Manager: They should possess experience, probably in related fields, with higher qualifications in Social Work, preferably at a degree level or higher. They oversee specific projects while leading the teams that go into efficient implementation in a social welfare program.
  1. Age Limit: Age limit is an important criterion for the candidates. The minimum age to apply for Samaj Kalyan Vibhag Vacancy is 18 years and the maximum would not be more than 37 years. The age relaxation will be given to the different categories according to mention as notification.

Application Fee:

The application fee for the recruitment drive of the Samaj Kalyan Vibhag varies from post to post, state to state, and even reservation categories. One should look up the official notification for the most updated and correct details about application fees.

Such sources might be helpful:

  • Official Website of the Samaj Kalyan Vibhag: The websites will differ from state to state, and one may find recruitment notifications therein.
  • Recruitment Portal: There could be a single web-based portal for the recruitment process of government jobs in your state.

What is the Process to Apply for the Samaj Kalyan Vibhag Vacancy?

To apply for the Samaj Kalyan Vibhag vacancy, candidates have to follow the steps given below-

  • Notification Check: Check the official notifications on the website of Samaj Kalyan Vibhag or Employment News regarding vacancy details, eligibility criteria, and deadlines.
  • Eligibility Review: Check that you do come under the desired educational qualifications, age limits, and other mentioned criteria in the notification.
  • Online Application: Log in to the official website or any related portal, register or log in, and fill up the online application form with the correct details.
  • Upload Documents: Scan and upload documents that will be asked for educational certificates and ID proof as mentioned.
  • Application Fee: Remit the prescribed fee for the form online through the requisite payment gateway.
  • Submission: Recheck the filled form, submit it online well before the deadline, and retain a copy for reference.

Required Documents:

Here is the list of required documents to fill out the form-

  • Aadhar card
  • Caste certificate
  • Address proof
  • Mobile number
  • Email id
  • Own photo
  • PAN card
  • Bank account passbook
  • Identity card

Samaj Kalyan Vibhag Vacancy Exam Pattern:

SubjectNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
Hindi Knowledge & Writing50100

2 hours
General Intelligent Test50100
General Knowledge50100

Samaj Kalyan Vibhag Vacancy Syllabus:

Hindi Knowledge & Writingसमास,सन्धियां, कारक,विलोम.रस,अलंकार,वाक्यांशों के लिए शब्द, निर्माण वर्तनी वचन, पर्यायवाची, तत्सम एवं तदभव वाक्य, संशोधन – लिंगलोकोक्तियाँ एवं मुहावरेत्रुटि से सम्बंधित अनेकार्थी शब्द
General IntelligenceNumber, Ranking & Time Sequence.Deriving Conclusions from Passages.Logical Sequence of Words.Alphabet Test Series.Arithmetical Reasoning.Situation Reaction Test.Coding-Decoding. Analogy.Data Sufficiency.Direction Sense Tes.Clocks & Calendars.Statement – Conclusions.Logical Venn Diagrams.Statement – Arguments.Inserting Puzzles.Alpha-Numeric Sequence Puzzle.The Missing Character.
General KnowledgeAbbreviations.Science – Inventions & Discoveries.Current Important Events.Current Affairs – National & International.Awards and Honors.Important Financial.Economic News.Banking News.Indian Constitution.Important Days.Books and Authors.History.Sports Terminology.Geography.Solar System.Indian states and capitals Countries and Currencies.

Marking System:

During grading and testing, one point will be awarded for each correct answer. However, there is a negative penalty for incorrect answers as 1/4 point is deducted for each incorrect answer. The minimum points required to add additional points are:

For the general category: must have at least 40 points.

For OBC & SC/ST: It is slightly lower and requires at least 35 points.

Selection Process of Samaj Kalyan Vibhag:

Here is the step-by-step selection process for Samaj Kalyan Vibhag Vacancy-

  1. Application Review: Applications are screened for eligibility and receipt of all required documents.
  1. Written Examination: Eligible candidates are invited for a written test, a test of knowledge and aptitude relating to the post.
  1. Interview: Being declared qualified in the written examination, shortlisted candidates are then invited for a personal interview to assess suitability, skills, and potential contribution.
  1. Document Verification: The selected candidates will be required to produce the originals of the documents regarding educational qualifications and other credentials.
  1. Final Merit List: A final merit list is prepared based on combined performance in the written exam, interview, and document verification.
  1. Appointment: Appointment letters show, among other things, terms of employment, salary, benefits, and probationary period, if any.


This can be taken as the general guideline; it is mainly based on common practices of application and selection in government departments. Further, it may vary from department to department like the policies of Samaj Kalyan Vibhag Vacancy, the current recruitment guidelines, and notifications. Hence, candidates are hereby advised to approach official notifications or websites since they contain the latest and most correct information regarding any vacancy, eligibility criteria, and also application procedures.


Q1. Where can I find a vacancy in Samaj Kalyan Vibhag?

Ans. The vacancies are usually published through official notifications on the department’s website, employment news, and leading newspapers.

Q2. What are the eligibility criteria for applying for Samaj Kalyan Vibhag?

Ans. Eligibility criteria include educational qualifications, age limits, and sometimes experience or skill requirements, with details given in the official notification for each vacancy.

Q3. How can I apply for a vacancy?

Ans. Applications are normally submitted online through the official website or any other specified portal. Fill in the directions; carefully fill out the application form, attach the required documents, and pay the prescribed fees.

Q4. What is the selection process?

Ans. A written test that is followed by a personal interview only if the candidate qualifies for the further. The eligibility is checked through document verification also.

Q5. How can I come to know whether I am selected or not?

Ans. A final merit list is prepared based on performance in the written examination, interview, and document verification. An appointment letter with joining details is sent to selected candidates.

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