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MVR Bihar: Rates Check Property Circle Rates Online

MVR Bihar

When buying or selling property in Bihar, understanding the MVR Bihar (Minimum Value Register) is crucial. This is also referred to as the circle rate, which sets the minimum value for any property. The MVR Rate Bihar also has a bearing on many amounts such as registration charge, stamp duty, etc. In this guide, we will explore everything you need to know about these rates and how they affect land transactions in Bihar.

What is MVR Bihar?

The MVR Bihar is a policy value of the government that has been defined to set the minimum price for land in a particular zone. It guarantees fair market value in properties traded, thus avoiding undervaluation and tax evasion. When registering a property, MVR serves as the baseline for calculating the associated charges, such as stamp duty and registration fees.

The rate varies depending on factors like the property’s location, its type (commercial, residential, agricultural), and the level of development in the area. Different areas in Bihar will have different rates based on these criteria.

Why is MVR Bihar Important?

It is of utmost relevance to anyone who has to deal with land transactions to know what the MVR is, whether one is a purchaser, seller or applicant of a property. Here’s why:

  • Registration Charges: Registration fees are calculated by the MVR basis, thus, it is possible to calculate the expense of this process.
  • Stamp Duty Calculation: It is then applied to calculate the stamp duty for registration of the property, usually at the rate of 6% of the land value.
  • Transparency in Land Deals: It ensures that land transactions are conducted at a fair value, preventing undervaluation and ensuring government revenue.

The MVR plays an essential role in the smooth and lawful exchange of land, helping avoid discrepancies in property pricing.

How Does the MVR Rate Bihar Impact Property Transactions?

During property buying in Bihar the MVR Rate Bihar plays an important role in the final transaction costs. Here are the main aspects that are affected by this rate:

  1. Stamp Duty: Stamp duty is one of the most important costs when registering land. MVR Rate Bihar calculates the amount of stamp duty payable. Normally, it is 6% of the MVR Rate Bihar of the property.
  2. Registration Fees: In addition, registration fee is an expense that also relates to MVR Rate Bihar. This fee is about 2% of the average MVR Rate Bihar for the urban areas.
  3. Miscellaneous Charges: Over and above stamp duty and registration fees, there are miscellaneous fees which total approximately 2%.

All these are full registration fees prices thus they have also to be carefully taken into account. When buying real estate as it is no less important than the price itself.

How to Check the MVR Rate Bihar Online?

Online validation is simple and effortless. Please implement the following instructions to get the rate of your property.

1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the official Bihar Revenue and Land Reforms Department website: Bihar Revenue Portal.

2. Select the “View MVR” Option: On the homepage, you will find the “View MVR” option. Click on it to proceed.

3. Enter the Required Details: Fill in the necessary information, including:

  • Registration Office
  • Circle Name
  • Thana Code
  • Land Type

4. View the MVR Rate: After submitting the details, a list of the MVR Rate for different types of properties in your selected area will appear.

The use of this web tool enables, in a very easy way, to achieve the current MVR rates without physical presence.

How MVR Rate Bihar Varies Across Districts?

MVR Rate Bihar differs not only at the district level, but also according to land, degree of development and volume (acreage). Variation in MVR rates in Bihar also may be greater in a part of the districts. Because of commercial pressure in the districts, and absence of MVR in the districts, because of agriculture/rural lands in some of the districts. The following is an illustration of variation in rates (i.e., between districts).

Example: District-wise

DistrictMVR Rate (Example)
PatnaHigher due to commercial value
GayaModerate due to tourism and development
MuzaffarpurVaries based on residential and agricultural land
BhagalpurResidential and commercial land rates differ

These variations ensure that landowners and buyers are charged according to the market value of the land in each area. By checking the Rate Bihar online, you can get the exact value for your property in any district.

Calculate Property Transaction Costs Using MVR Rate Bihar 

Now that you understand, here’s how to calculate your property transaction costs:

Example of Costs

Charge TypeRate (%)Based On
Stamp Duty6%Based on MVR Rate Bihar
Registration Fee2%Based on MVR Rate Bihar
Miscellaneous Fees2%Based on MVR Rate Bihar

For instance, if the MVR Rate Bihar of an area is Rupee 10,00,000, punctuality of stamp duty would be Rupee 60,000 (6% of Rupee 10,00,000), and punctuality of registration fee will be Rupee 20,000 (2% of Rupee 10,00,000 , respectively will be made. This calculation helps you estimate the total cost before making the transaction.


The Bihar MVR is a boon to any and every land trader of Bihar. Cost in the form of registration fees, stamp duty or so on is directly its effect. Knowledge of the Rate Bihar enables you to budget and guarantees that your property purchase is not only legally sound but also fair.

Information on the MVR is readily available online and enables you to quickly determine accurate rates for any property. Which in this instance helps to prevent frustration during registration. Regardless of whether one is a consumer or a vendor, it is essential to look at the Rate and come to a reasoned decision.

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